Electronics Fundamentals

By on September 20, 2018

We will be running a weekly progressive electronics fundamentals class on Tuesdays from October 9th to the end of the year. I will add 2019 dates from AC circuits in December. Please see the calendar for exact dates and details. October 9th will be an orientation day. We’ll be going over all the details of […]

Networking 101 Bootcamp

By on August 31, 2018

Join us at Unallocated Space on Saturday, September , 2018 for an 8 hour introduction to Networking. We will explore the OSI Model as well as conduct labs with Wireshark and Packet Tracer. By the end of this course you should have an understanding of a simple LAN that includes routers, switches, and firewalls. Please […]


DC443 Presents – GreatSCT: Gotta Catch ‘Em AWL

By on July 12, 2018

What is DC443? DC443 is an evolution of the OSCP study group. It’s our goal to learn hands-on techniques, generally on the red-team side, as well as strengthening our CTF skills. FORMAT: Technical talk followed by hackthebox/hangout SUMMARY: This month we’ve lined up a (remote) talk with Chris “Lopi” Spehn of Derbycon and BSides speaker […]

DC443 + WSC

DC443 Presents: WSC CTF Practice

By on June 17, 2018

DATE: 22JUN2018 TIME: 1900-2100 TOPIC: DC443 Presents: WSC CTF Practice SUMMARY: Marcelle dreamed up some new challenges for the ISSA Mid-Atlantic conference, and we are bringing them to the group for our next WSC-UAS-DC443 meet-up. Everything will be run through the CTFd challenge platform, so all you need is a connection to the Internet and […]

Crafternoon at Unallocated Space

Crafternoon: Cosplay 101 – Intro to Cosplay

By on June 12, 2018

Join us at Unallocated Space for our monthly Crafternoon event! This month’s topic will be: Cosplay 101 – Intro to Cosplay DATE: 30JUNE2018 TIME: 1400-1800 TOPIC: Cosplay 101 – Intro to Cosplay SUMMARY: Have you ever wondered about how to get started with cosplay or what it even really is? Whether it’s something you would […]

Community Tech Swap Meet/Garage Sale (Anne Arundel, MD) (6/9)

By on May 7, 2018

We’d like to invite you, your family, and friends to our community tech swap meet / garage sale this Saturday, June 9th 2018, 7am-3pm, rain or shine. The purpose of the sale is to clear space, raise money for future projects, and encourage the community to recycle. See our Meetup announcement at https://www.meetup.com/Unallocated-Space/events/250544106/ ! LOCATION […]

DC443 Presents – WSC CTF Practice

By on March 28, 2018

DATE: 20APR2018 TIME: 1900-2100 TOPIC: DC443 Presents: WSC CTF Practice SUMMARY: For our April CTF practice session, we will be working through the live MITRE STEM CTF: Cyber Challenge 2018.  This CTF is designed for students but is also open to professionals, and it is likely we will have a mix of both.   If you […]

Unallocated Space is in Brackets for Good

By on March 9, 2018

Unallocated Space was fortunate enough to make the cut for the Brackets for Good giving tournament in Maryland. Brackets for Good is a charitable organization that helps build awareness, raise funds, and expand marketing capabilities for local nonprofits through competitive, online fundraising tournaments. Essentially, if we get more money than our opponent we advance into […]

DC443 Presents – WSC CTF Practice

By on February 28, 2018

DATE: 09MAR2018 TIME: 1900-2100 TOPIC: DFG Presents: WSC CTF Practice SUMMARY: Interested in cyber competitions but don’t know where to start? Or have you tried one or two or ten and want more practice? In this hands-on-keys session we will explore different types of competitions, from capture-the-flag to offense/defense and everything in between and take […]

Techno-Swap-Fest – Join Unallocated Space! 2/24

By on February 12, 2018

On Saturday, February 24th 9AM-2PM, National Electronics Museum (NEM) will be holding it’s 9th Annual Techno-Swap-Fest. This is a perfect opportunity to meet people with similar interest, find what your looking for, trade up, trade down, or donate what you don’t need. All entrance proceeds support the National Electronics. Adults $5,Kids under 16 FREE. The […]

Introducing Defcon Group: DC443

By on February 4, 2018

This Friday on February 9th we’ll be hosting our first DC443 Meetup. What is it? An evolution of the OSCP study group. It’s our goal to learn hands-on techniques, generally on the red-team side, as well as strengthening our CTF skills. FORMAT: Casual but hands on. This week I’ll start with a live walkthrough of […]

Infosec Night: SPL102 – Splunk >= e|i|f|grep|Select-String

By on November 20, 2017

SUMMARY: First we go over any Splunk questions and do a review of the SPL101 course. Next we are going to go deeper into various Splunk functions. Then unleash the power of Splunk with Regular Expression. Finally tips and tricks for our Splunk CTF. GOAL: Learn a little more about Splunk and how to create […]

DIY LightSabers Workshop Week 1

By on November 20, 2017

Here are two sample builds sheets we will use during the workshop. The idea is to modify these to meet your design requirements. Basic Light Saber w/o sound https://drive.google.com/open?id=1YcLhjlRuFJqaZcXyc-CWa3HwadEVSj2uq7TkvKf1sgI Basic Light Saber w/ sound https://drive.google.com/open?id=1mY54GWuAYBeDwIq18RIMtKfmDEHk8pDUYqtoHwaTG-k Requirements: Bring a device that can display/run this flash page. If you don’t bring something your self you will have […]

DIY LightSabers WorkShop

By on November 13, 2017

This is going to be a work shop on how to build a light saber from parts found on the internet or at your local hardware store. The first day 11/20 will cover web links to the resources we will use. Figuring out what type of saber you want to build and matching it to […]