DATE: 22JUN2018
TIME: 1900-2100
TOPIC: DC443 Presents: WSC CTF Practice
Marcelle dreamed up some new challenges for the ISSA Mid-Atlantic conference, and we are bringing them to the group for our next WSC-UAS-DC443 meet-up.
Everything will be run through the CTFd challenge platform, so all you need is a connection to the Internet and of course your collection of tools and resources.
We are going to use the same challenges for the WSC Cyberjutsu Girls Academy. So, let’s see who’s smarter than a fifth-grader!
Contact Marcelle (marcelle.lee {at} womenscyberjutsu {dot} org) with any questions.
WHAT TO BRING: Your laptop and enthusiasm.
PRESENTER: Marcelle @Marcelle_fsg