By on November 15, 2016

Have you ever wondered about Blockchains, the technology behind Crypto-currencies like Bitcoin? The Blockchain Education Network (BEN) is putting together a Hack Night this Sunday at 3pm to teach about Blockchain Technology! Come on by and expand your knowledge! Meetup Event Page

During this hacknight, we’ll give participants access to APIs and toolkits provided by IOTA, SIA, Chain, and Netki. Participants will also be able to directly connect with developers from these companies through BEN’s Slack channel to get any questions they may have answered.

If you have any ideas or input, please let us know!

Description: The Blockchain Education Network is hosting a global educational gauntlet which is a blockchain accelerator that shines a global spotlight on applications developed throughout November to get the mentor-ship participants need to take their ideas and projects to the next level. Get questions answered by blockchain developers and have your project reviewed by blockchain Venture Capitalists.

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